Geo-historical Civilizational Logic

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Abstract: Geography can dominate history. Examples abound. Civilization cannot just clash: it has to be defended by the sword, and by ideas which are even sharper than steel. Unfortunately plutocracy hate to see force, physical and intellectual, in command of We the People. This betrayal from class interest is how top civilizations go down: when plutocracy gnaws into civilization as the gangrene it is. The death blow is then given by the savages who are sure to come circling like hyenas.

Such hyenas brought down the Roman and Chinese state. Lest we be careful now, the Union of Savages and Thugs, with big titles, like president of Syria, or Russia, or the “Caliphate”, will engulf civilization. Let’s crush them when we still can. But we will crush them better if we extinguish our plutocrats.

Rome Stopped (Forever) Just Left Of G In Germania Rome Stopped (Forever) Just Left Of G In Germania

[Plutocratized Rome suffered a psychologically shattering defeat at the Teutoburg Forest in…

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